[Digital Designer]

I specialize in designing websites and web apps with user experience in mind

I specialize in designing

websites and web apps with

user experience in mind

I specialize in designing websites and web apps with user experience

in mind

Selected Work

Personal Trainer Website Mobile Hero Section
Personal Trainer Website Mobile Hero Section
Personal Trainer Website Mobile Hero Section
Personal Trainer Website Services Section Bento Grid

Personal Trainer Maciej


Maciej helps people achieve their fitness goals.

His Website was designed and built in a way to showcase his SERVICES AND APPROACH TO CONVERt VISITORS INTO NEW CLIENTS.

HR Recruitment Web App Side Bar
HR Recruitment Web App Side Bar
HR Recruitment Web App Side Bar
HR Recruitment Web App Mobile Views

Next Chapter


From creating the position listing to scheduling interviews with selected candidates, Next Chapter provides end-to-end solution for a talent acquisition process

Bento Grid Benefits Section


The goal was to explore new visual styles by designing an engaging benefits section for a stocks investing course website.

Invite Collaborators Modal Search by Email
Invite Collaborators Modal Search by Email
Invite Collaborators Modal Search by Email
Invite Collaborators Modal Remove Access

Invite collaborators modal


The goal was to design a modal that would allow inviting collaborators to the file and managing access.

Digital Agency Website CTA
Digital Agency Website CTA
Digital Agency Website CTA
Digital Agency Website Team Section

UX Agency Website


The goal was to explore modern corporate visual style by designing a website for the ux agency.